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Sun Tzu | The Art of War
Sun Tzu | The Art of War
Book 1 out of 7 : The Books of Power
Dive into the illustrious past of one of the greatest general's this world has ever had the honour of housing and serving. Sun Tzu a name so renowned around the globe that it needs no introduction.
Sun Tzu, a ancient chinese general who lived 2500 years ago! left a gift for humankind to behold for centuries after his death. The Art of War the single greatest book for strategy and warfare. Which explains the art of what war is, and how to wage it and win.
The Art of War has been tarnished however, by countless authors who republish it with often upwards of 200 excess pages. In reality The Art of War was only ever around a few dozen pages. The concepts are easy to understand but not easy to comprehend. For one must actively use the lessons of Sun Tzu to appreciate them.
So dive into the 1st out of 7 books, inside the Series of Power